Monday, August 23, 2010

Continental Divide

Monday August 23, 2010. Start kilometers 21246. Kilometers driven yesterday 680. Kilometers driven today 611.
After a two hour delay getting a new front tire I am on the road but first the GS needs gas so I make a stop at the local Exxon (not my first preference due to low octane fuel of only 91 but my level is too low to take a chance to find a more suitable gas station.) Unfortunately the auto stop on the pump does not function and I dispense fuel all over my bike. As I curse under my breath, mainly because I blame myself for this mishap, I grab a bucket of windshield washer and pour it over my tank and hot engine. During my mini ordeal an extremely over weight old man, observing from the next pump, strolls over with rags out of the back of his early seventies van and helps me wipe the bike down. I detect a warmth in his eyes as he tells me that he rode motorcycles in his younger days and appreciates the look of the newer high tech bikes. We chat for a few minutes before I head out and I take a few minutes to observe the extremely poor condition of his prehistoric transportation. It is times like this that makes me appreciate the human condition and the random acts of kindness that the humblest of people bestow on others. Imagine what the world would be like if every one of us did this every day. This was such a brief encounter and I now wish that we had spent more time talking as I am sure that he had many life experiences to share with those that would listen.
The ride this afternoon over the Continental divide was pleasant with little traffic and near perfect weather. Tonight I've stopped in Bozeman Montana and will catch up with some news, update my blog and have some vittles.

1 comment:

  1. In our travels, the people we meet along the way are the golden nuggets that fill our lives with the real meaning of life. To quote a very special person in my life (you) "the things that go wrong make the best travel stories." I hope you are having as much fun as you deserve. A LOT!
    Love ya
